My Daily Routine

A Bed and a Door | Südbahn Hotel, Semmering                                                                               Chris Feichtner via Compfight 

My daily routine is very simple. I wake up then get dressed. After that I brush my teeth then I lay down on the couch trying not to fall asleep while watching the clock go by. Then when it is around 6:52 I go out side to my bus stop and sit there and wait for a few more minutes. When the bus arrives I get on and usually sit with one of my friends. usually the bus gets to school in about 6 minutes. When we get off I walk to the gym and sit with more of my friends. Then finally its time to go to our homeroom, which is sadly on the opposite side of school, when we get there we have to go on this Spanish website called resseta stone. When the morning announcements come on we say the pledge they tell us about stuff and more, but after that it is time to go to first period, and my first period is science, usually I have to wake up more to go to science and when I get to science I’m as tiered as a sloth. The next period I have is PBL. PBL is where you work on other subjects. Then I have social studies which I think is cool. Then there’s my 4th period,  math witch inset that bad but still, its math. After that theirs language arts which I am good at but I’m not bad as well. Then, the best part of school, theirs lunch! After lunch theirs Spanish, and after Spanish there’s historical arts. Then it time to go back on the bus. When I get off I go home do my homework, take a shower, brush my teeth, then go to bed. Then I do it all again.  


My school years are always fun because I like going somewhere and getting out of the house. In my free time I love to play with my friends or draw. School is going good for me so far I am making a lot of new friends and having lots of fun. My favorite season is defiantly fall because I love all the leaves on the ground, but this fall it is super cold.


The problem I want to solve when I get out of school is to help my dad get a house. I am going to help my dad by dad by doing this. My plan is to not waste anything and eat less.

I am going to accomplish this by helping my dad a lot more. I am going to help him by doing a lot more chores like helping feeding the bearded dragons. another way to help him is by not wasting food and eat less because I like to eat a lot.


if I was principal for a month I would let the kids play outside more often because they would probably need more physical time.

If I was teacher for a month I would   give less homework not to much but like one assimante per day.



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